
Best zero gravity massage chair

Best zero gravity massage chair put you in the same position astronauts assume upon blast off, but, unlike a space launch, these chairs are designed to help you relax. The highly reclined position takes the stress off of your spine and elevates your feet and legs over your heart while the chair massages your entire body. Chairs can cost from hundreds to thousands of dollars, and there is a dizzying array of models to choose from. To make matters worse, manufacturers are constantly upgrading their product lines and introducing new models. Zero Gravity Massage Chair: What It Is, And What It Is Not. Contrary to popular belief, zero gravity doesn’t necessarily mean weightlessness when used in the context of massage chairs. It takes its roots from NASA who discovered that strapping the astronauts into reclined seats helps counteract the extreme pressures they encounter during liftoffs. As they escape the Earth’s gravitational pull, these astronauts rely on this technology to evenly